Monday, May 6, 2013

Why Do You Feel Threatened?

Good morning, everyone!! My question for today is this: Why do certain groups of people feel threatened when other people are given rights? Why is it a problem to grant marriage equality to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people? How does it really hurt you? The fact of the matter is that it doesn't really hurt you. What it does do is keep you from telling other people how they should live their lives. In other words, you lose control over them! There's that dirty word from yesterday's post again. What gives one group the right to tell other people how they should and should not live? Oh right. You're going to tell me that God gives you that right, aren't you? God never gave you the right to judge others and deny them basic human rights. There is no such thing as "righteous judgment." Judging others for the way they lead their lives is NEVER righteous!

The whole problem in our society today is that people want to be able to control what other people do. This is the article that I read this morning that inspired this post today.

Basically, our old buddy Newt Gingrich wants everyone to believe allowing gay couples to adopt children negates the rights of all Catholics to adopt children. That is simply not true. Catholic Charities in Massachusettes has been allowing gay couples to adopt children for years and only now has stopped allowing it after four Catholic bishops found out about it. As a result, Catholic Charities lost government funding due to anti-discrimination laws. All this means is that people have to go through other means to adopt, not that they can't ever adopt. If the group was not discriminating against people (which in my opinion denies a basic Christian principle of loving one another), then they would still be able to obtain government funding and still be able to help people obtain adoptions.

What this all amounts to is wanting to able to control others by pushing one group of people's religious beliefs on everyone. Our country was founded on the idea of freedom of religion. That means that all religions should have the same right to worship and honor the deity, or no deity at all, of their choice in whatever way they choose with no fear of persecution or humiliation. Christians, Pagans, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Agnostics, Atheists, etc. should all be allowed the same rights and should NEVER push their beliefs on someone else. So stop feeling so threatened, people, and celebrate the one thing that we all have in common. We are all human!

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