Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Over the weekend, I found out that my 2nd ex-husband (the piece of work; his name is Jamie) moved again and wants our 8-year-old (Amy) to come and stay overnight at his new place on his next weekend. Normally, I would not have a problem with that. I don't believe in keeping children from their parents because when you do that you are punishing the child. I did, however, want to get the address and name of the person he was living with, which is my legal right. I mean, after all, I did let him know who I was moving in with and who would be living there when I moved from Milton to Pensacola. As Amy's father, I felt he had the right to know, even if I personally don't like him. Anyway, I wanted the name and address so I could check this new roommate out and make sure it was okay for Amy to be around him. See, my ex has not historically made good decisions throughout his life. After all, this is a man who invests in quick-rich-schemes all the time  instead of working for a living! And you know what? The schemes never work! Big surprise there, right??This is also the same man who married a 76-year-old woman when he was 48 so he could live off her money instead of getting a job. She just recently passed away, so who knows what he'll do next?

Jamie met his last roommate on Craig's list and now this one, too. He just moves into these places without making sure the people are not convicted felons or something and then wants to take Amy around them! He gave me a hard time about wanting the address and name of the guy, accusing me of trying to control who he takes Amy around. However, what I am really trying to do is keep Amy safe. Anyway, when I put this guy's name in the Clerk of Court's website, I pulled up a rap sheet as long as my arm. This guy has been convicted of burglary, possession of cocaine with intent to sell, possession of marijuana, assault, and cyberstalking. He was even arrested in April 2011 for something unknown. This guy even sells things from his house, what things I don't know. Jamie, however, thinks it's perfectly okay for Amy to spend the night over there with him!

I think not, but I'm really not sure what I can do about it. I don't mind if he just wants to take her for the day and bring her back at night. Unfortunately, you can't reason with someone like Jamie. He never feels like he does anything wrong.  If anyone has any ideas about how to handle this, speak up please. I need all the help I can get!


  1. Wow, this is kind of worrying... While I completely agree that children of divorce should be allowed to spend time with both of their parents, there's also the matter of the child's safety and well-being. When one of the parents chooses to move in with a stranger who has burglary and assault convictions -- and expects the child to stay overnight in that space -- it seems irresponsible at best, and potentially dangerous at worst.

    I'm not sure what the exact custody situation is with Amy, or what the laws are in Florida, but I would definitely investigate all of the legal options before just going along with this. Yes, she should get to spend time with her father, but it doesn't seem unreasonable to insist that the visits be limited to some extent until he can provide a safe and healthy environment for her.

  2. Hi, Sarah. Thanks! I tried again to compromise with him, and believe it or not, he agreed. Amy will not be spending the night there. Jamie can come and get her for the day on his weekends, and Bill and I will go and get her in the evening. Thank God!! :)

  3. Oh, that's good to hear! I'm really glad everything worked out. :)
